We’ll find the way or we’ll make it!

Guided Trips

Guided Stays

Inveniemus viam aut faciemus

“From the smallest route to the most spectacular journey, the important thing is not the finish but the journey…”.

Anima Bikes aims to be the link between your dreams and your achievements.

Whether you’re used to cycling or not, we can guide you physically and support you materially to help you discover unexpected places that will become unforgettable…

Josep and Corinne, your guides – organisers and founders of Anima Bikes, have always been keen cyclists and will be delighted to accompany you, particularly through the Swiss vineyards of the Canton of Vaud and the Catalan region of Spain, from the Costa Brava to the Costa Dorada, areas they know like the back of their hand, whether on a trekking eBike or a mountain bike.

You’re not particularly sporty, but you’ve got an idea for a day out, or 3 days, or a week, but it just won’t happen? Because you don’t have a bike? Lack of ideas, time or motivation?

We’re here to help you find your bike, choose the route that suits you and, above all, your dreams!

We are dedicated to organising all-inclusive trips and excursions, including transport to the meeting point, accompanying the group with technical support and vehicle, bike hire and guiding. We book accommodation and catering, always in original places with a special historical and/or gastronomic heritage.

11 + 4 =

Some examples of our offers for the 2024 season


Trips on the Swiss side

  • The Trans-frontalière: let’s see our neighbours…
  • The Geneva lake coast and its vineyards

Stays on the Spanish side

  • The Secret Catalonia from the inside
  • Dry mountains and deserts 

Our Partnerships

They support us

what They’re Saying

Client Testimonials

Ens va encantar passejar pels camps d’Aitona amb bicicleta, en Josep M. va ser un bon guia ja que ens va portar a llocs on les vistes als arbres florits eren molt bones. Vam parar a les zones que ens agradaven més per fer fotografies, en resum, un matí molt divertit.


Corinne y Josep son encantadores!

Nosotros hicimos un paseo en bici por Aitona con Corinne de guía. Nos condujo hábilmente entre frutales, y disfrutamos de maravillosos paisajes y vistas. En todo momento estuvo pendiente de nosotros.
Así da gusto ir en bici!
Hasta la próxima!, quizás en Lleida, quizás en Suiza…
